13 – Germany and Poland: From Historical Foes to Uneasy Friends [Part 2]

Show notes

In the second episode looking at Germany’s tough, but crucial relationship with Poland, Ben and Aaron are joined by former German Ambassador to Poland and author of Feinde, Fremde, Freunde (“Foes, Strangers, Friends”) – a book about Germany’s current relationship with Poland following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine – to discuss the opportunities for reconciliation between Warsaw and Berlin following a pivotal Polish election, including by spotting ways to address German blind spots when it comes to Poland.


  • Ambassador Rolf Nikel, Vice-President, DGAP (@NikelRolf)


This podcast is an original production of the German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP). It was created as part of DGAP's Action Group Zeitenwende.

Follow DGAP & the hosts on social media:

Dr. Benjamin Tallis

Aaron Gasch Burnett


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