20 – Germany’s Failing Zeitenwende – And What to Do About It

Show notes

In BerlinsideOut’s second season premiere, Ben and Aaron dive into Germany’s recent foreign policy problems – driven by a Chancellery whose threat assessment of Russia is increasingly jeopardising European security. Together with parliamentarians Anton Hofreiter and Thomas Erndl, as well as regular panellists Minna Ålander and Britta Jacob, BerlinsideOut lays out how Germany can address its dangerous lack of strategy – and how it can start turning things around to help Ukraine win, deter Russia, and defend European security and democracy.

Guests & Twitter handles:

  • Anton Hofreiter MdB (Greens), Chair of the German Bundestag European Affairs Committee (@ToniHofreiter)
  • Thomas Erndl MdB (CSU), Deputy Chair of the German Bundestag Foreign Affairs Committee (@TErndl)
  • Minna Ålander, Research Fellow, Finnish Institute of International Affairs (FIIA) (@minna_alander)
  • Britta Jacob, Senior Manager Global Government Affairs, Bayer (@JacobBritta)


This podcast is an original production of the German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP). It was created as part of DGAP's Action Group Zeitenwende.

Follow DGAP & the hosts on social media!

Dr. Benjamin Tallis

Aaron Gasch Burnett


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