13 – Germany and Poland: New Opportunities, Old Challenges [Part 1]

Show notes

For the first part of a two-part special, Ben and Aaron get into a particularly important, but historically difficult and tense relationship – the one that Germany has with its largest eastern neighbour in Poland. Recent elections have seen a new Polish coalition gain the numbers to oust the populist Law & Justice Party from power in Warsaw, leaving Berlin with an opportunity to recalibrate its relationship with Poland – if it decides to seize the moment.

As Ben and Aaron discuss with this week’s guests though, doing so will require some historical reconciliation – as well as for Germany to recognise Poland’s large investment is military kit including tanks, artillery, and ships. It will also require both countries’ leadership to seize the opportunity to become better team players – if they can agree on the goals for which they should commonly work.


  • Justyna Gotkowska, Deputy Director, Centre for Eastern Studies (@jgotkowska)
  • Jakub Jaraczewski, Research Coordinator, Democracy Reporting International (@J_Jaraczewski)
  • Kai-Olaf Lang, Senior Fellow, German Institute of International and Security Affairs (SWP)


This podcast is an original production of the German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP). It was created as part of DGAP's Action Group Zeitenwende.

Follow DGAP & the hosts on social media:

Dr. Benjamin Tallis

Aaron Gasch Burnett


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